Summerbook Company

Interrogative Dice

In stock: 82 available
Product Details
Suggested Grades: 2+

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The six sides contain the interrogative pronouns how, what, when, where, who , and why. 16mm

Ideas for Use

Story starters

Have the class or a group of students roll one die. The first student gives a "fact" to answer the question. After several students have given "facts," have each student write his or her version of the incident or story. The students should not discuss the story with one another or another group. It is interesting to see how many different versions the class will generate for the same "facts."

Examples: what - a bicycle
why - because it was raining
when - last month

Subject Review
When reviewing for a test each student can take a turn rolling a die to determine the type of questions he will be asked.

Examples: Who discovered America?
When was the Roanoke Colony started?
Why does hot air rise?
What is are the three bones in the middle ear?
How many feet are in two yards?
Where is your patella?

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