Summerbook Company

Letter Grab

In stock: 5 available
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Suggested Grades: 1+

Roll the dice, add the letters to the pool and start making words!. This game is great for beginning spellers. More advanced spellers will enjoy strategically using letters to create difficulties for their opponent. A quick, quiet game for two players.

Letter Grab Game
by Vowac Publishing Company (

The object of the game is to spell words.


Letter Grab game sheet*, two 30-sided letter dice, a pencil for each player, a ten- to fifteen-minute timer. Optional: (recommended) crayon or color felt-tip pen, dictionary or spelling lists.


The vowels in the center space, The Pool, facing the direction of each player belong to that player. Only that player may use them.

Each player roles a letter dice. The player that rolls the letter closest to "A" starts the game. If a player rolls a "wild" or "vowel", he automatically plays first.

Players take turns rolling the dice two times. The letters rolled are written in The Pool. (SUGGESTION: WRITE LETTERS IN UPPER CASE) If a player rolls a "wild", the player chooses any letter and adds it to The Pool. If a player rolls a "vowel", the player chooses any vowel and adds it to The Pool. After the eight initial letters are added to The Pool, the timer is started.

The starting player then chooses to create a word by using letters from The Pool or roll the dice. If the player uses letters to make a word, they are crossed out with the color felt-tip pen or crayon, and not used again. After making a word and the letters are crossed out, the player rolls the dice and the new letters are added to The Pool. If the player chooses to roll the dice instead of making a word, the two letters rolled are added to The Pool. A player's turn ends after the dice are rolled.

The next player may now choose to use letters and make his own word or may roll the dice and add the two letters to The Pool.

Once a player rolls the dice, the letters are added to The Pool and that completes his turn. Play continues until the timer goes off. If a player is in the middle of his turn when the timer sounds, his turn is completed and the game ends.

Scoring: A player earns one point for each letter used correctly. For example, if the word "barn" is spelled, the player receives four points.

The challenge word may be optional. If a player correctly spells a word with seven or more letters, they receive the one point per letter and an additional five points.

A player may challenge any word used. If the word is not spelled correctly, the player does not receive any points for that word. All challenges are done after the game has ended.

Strategies: Try to create words using consonant blends and clusters. Using your vowels early in the game will limit your chances to make longer words. Be sure to use prefixes and suffixes when possible. Try to think of various words using the same letters rather than focusing on just one word.

*The game sheet may be printed from or here at lettergrab.pdf.

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