These three "Magic" Rocks rocks have unusual properties that can make them appear magical. Dolomite, pumice, and magnetite can be enjoyed again and again.
Pumice is an igneous rock that has a very low density. If you examine the rock sample closely you will see tiny pores or cavities in the rock that were formed as the molten volcanic rock hardened. . . . Carefully place your dry pumice sample in a cup partially filled with water to see if it floats. Let it sit undisturbed overnight to see if it sinks after the water seeps into the pores to fill the air spaces.
The first thing you may notice about your magnetite sample is that it probably has little black bits stuck to it. These are small magnetic or metal pieces that the sample has attracted. . . . See if your sample of magnetite can pick up a small paperclip, metal pin, or staple.
Dolomite is a sedimentary rock that is found all over the world. It will react with the acid in vinegar to produce another mineral called aragonite. To do this place the dolomite into a small glass dish and . . . . After the vinegar is evaporated, let the crystals of aragonite harden for one more week.
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