Summerbook Company

English Volume Dice

In stock: 1 available
Product Details
Suggested Grades: 3+

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A six-sided die with ounce, cup, pint, pint, quart, and gallon. 20mm

Ideas for Use

Have a student roll a die and state the unit shown on the top, such as a quart. Then the student can give the next smaller and larger unit--pint, quart, gallon.

For more of a challenge, combine a number die with the unit die. If a student rolls a five and cups, then the student must convert to the next higher unit since there is no lower one. The student should say, "Five cups equals one quart and one more cup." If a student rolls a three and quarts, he may say, "Three quarts is three-fourths of a gallon, and three quarts is six pints."

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English Volume Dice
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